VS Code Jira Extension (Stories Assigned to you)

Saurabh Mankar
3 min readDec 8, 2021


Goal Of this Post: “ To show you, how to view Jira tasks that are assigned to you in current sprint on VS Code Jira extension

End Result:

All Jira tasks assigned to you in the current sprint, visible on Jira Extension

Let’s get started. 🏃🏽‍♂️ (Dude this way — >)

First of all, here is my assumption while writing this article:

  • You have access to Jira Cloud Server
  • You have already installed VS code, Jira Extension on VS Code (Extension Id: atlassian.atlascode) & on the extension you have signed in to your Jira account. (No need to be an Admin, as long as you can create your own filters on Jira)

Step 1: Login to Jira ➡️ Click filters ➡️ View all filters

If you don’t see this option, ask your Jira admin to give you the role.

Once you are there, first of all, test out your filter to see if it’s working.

Paste this code and make sure to change your key value (this value can be found on your tasks, PPN-112 or ATP-121 something like that.) You need to paste the alphabetical part where it says <Key> (No need for quotes or double quotes).

project = <Key> AND assignee = currentUser() AND Sprint is not EMPTY AND status != Done ORDER BY created DESC

Once we know that this is successful, the results will be shown to you. Here’s an example of the output.

A successful run of our filter

For sake of an example, I am going to save my filter as “Current Sprint’s Tasks and Bugs

Now, let’s head over to VS Code.

Click on Jira extension and then on the left pane click on settings

Setting for Jira

Once the settings option open, expand the “Jira Issues Explorer” tab and import the filter.

Select and Import your filter from your Jira Site

Once it’s imported the screen will refresh and voila, it’s done.

Your Jira Tasks now visible on VS Code

No more switching back and forth across multiple screens.

Hope this helps someone… It sure helped me 😎



Saurabh Mankar

Creativity and Simplicity are the two things that drive my brain the most.